Sunday, August 17, 2008


Making it to the Pacific Coast and the first photo shoot!

Yesterday, we entered into the coastal region of Oregon. We came in through the town of Lincoln City at the intersection of our road, route 18, with the historic and picturesque, North-South running Highway 101.

Michaela mentioned to us yesterday somewhere after we reached the coast that she wants to visit Chicago and Las Vegas. Megan mentioned to her that we are now on the west coast and that we would have to back up and then travel north and south instead of east to west. Micky looked at her like, "So whats the problem, Grammie." She is definitely a road trip kinda girl.

Just before the coast as you are traveling from the East to the West, depending on the route that you take you can come to a set of foot hills, we came in through Salem, OR on route 99 before turning west on route 18. When we entered Salem, a bank sign we rolled by read 103 degrees and it was 7 pm. It had reached 105 degrees in the gorge the day before and it was supposed to be hotter on Saturday. We only stayed till 5 and it was deadly hot but to offset it we spent the day high into the hills surrounding the gorge and in the ice cool waters of a mountain stream.

As soon as we got down from the mountain we hightailed it for the coast and here is why!

As soon as we crossed over the foothills and down on the approach to Lincoln City the temperature dropped 40 plus degrees and everyone scrambled for a light jacket.

By the time we reached the RV park in Waldport at 9 PM, we had traveled 40 miles south on 101 through fog the whole way and the temps were in the low 50's. It was refreshing and wonderful after spending the last two days in the almost unbearable heat. Oh and by the way, for almost the very first time since being in the west we did not hear a train last night and I slept straight through the night (after having stayed up to watch Mike Phelps win his 8th gold medal, I love the Olympic Games)

Breakfast, Saturday Morning from High above the Gorge at the very eastern beginning!

A View from the Bridge of the Gods! Oregon to Washington and back again!

The Amazing Brownville Dam - Washington Side looking Eastward

The Fish Ladder viewing station from inside and under the dam

The Mountain and the Trail!

The Falls and how far they Fall!

The view from the bottom of the falls!

The view from the top of the falls!

Three Quarters of the crew, partially up the mountain!

The Magic Bus from Half way up the mountain!

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