Friday, August 15, 2008

Pictures from the Road (While we have service)

This is us on our last day in McCall, Idaho with our friends Ardie, Chris, Hannah and Cracker

Jug Handle Mountain in the backround is in their backyard Fresh picked berries, picked by Megan & Ardie, Huckleberry Pancakes in the AM,

Um, UM Good!
Jasper and Michaela - L o w -R i d e r's

Jasper buys a new BB Gun!

At the Grocery Store in McCall - Humm!

We finally make it to Oregon on Thursday afternoon

and change our clocks yet again

Can you find the humor in this photo? I sure thought it was funny. In fact I had to go two miles out of my way to turn around to take the picture and then find a place to turn around again after taking it.

Double click on the image to see what it says on the building.

Look at the color of the sky out here. Seems to be like this everyday!
See ya next time!

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