Sunday, August 3, 2008

Hannibal, Florida, Paris ending in Marshall

Today we spent almost the entire day in Hannibal and Florida, Missouri going through the Mark Twain houses and Museums. In Hannibal we saw his childhood home and stomping grounds as well as the house of his girl friend who became Becky Thatcher in the Tom Sawyer books. Clemens is most defitnitely an idol or dead mentor of mine regarding writing and perhaps most importantly how to live life. The more I learn of his adventures and escapades the ,more I am enchanted and can see parralels that I would like to continue to align with and manifest. We'll see!

Jazz and I met George Scott on the streets who is one of the two Twain impersonators operating in town, He is the one that they don't like and there is a lot of bad blood in America's Hometown.
We had lunch in the Mark Twain Dinnette and then completed our tours of the requisite museums and gift shops.

We jumped back in the Prius and headed out another 30 miles west to the birth place of Clemens. The small wood frame house was moved into a building that had the roof constructed first, then the house was installed in its entirety, in one piece, and then the walls of the museum were built under the roof and surrounding the house.

The kids (Jazz and Michaela) loved this day and so did I and Megan didn't seem to mind it at all. It was one of the most interesting and inspiring days on the journey back to Boulder. Knowing that we were headed to Clemens' birthplace and homes we have been reading the adventures of Huckleberry Finn to them in the car on our rides between places. Jazz has seen this story in the film version previously but they are both captivated by the written story and listen for long spells without interuption (with the exceptional question to undersatnd some concept or word)

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